Wallaroo' by Nigel White made from scrap metal measuring 350cm x 180cm x 350cm

Sol LeWitt, Tower
Diem Chau- Crayons
Nicholas Galanin's book sculpture
curved line- a line having no straight part; bend having no angular part.
Victor Powel's sculpture, Earth and Sea Series
CORDAY'S UNE- Steel sculpture, Under the High Line at 508 West 25th Street
Erik and Martin Demaine created “Natural Cycles” as part of their exploration of curved folds in origami.
Vassilakis Takis, Signaux
Seymour Fogel, Vertical Composition II

Paul Matisse, the Musical Fence
The Parthenon- Ancient Greeks

Nenad Stankovic, Line
horizontal line- line that goes straight across, like a horizon.
Mark di Suvero, Trusspiece
“Stairway to the Stars”- Mark De Suvero
Danny Lane- Glass Stairway to Heaven

Anthony Caro, Chalk Line
Alexander Calder- Wire Sculpture
diagonal line- line that stretches from corner to corner.

Mark Di Suvero, Iroquois

Mark Di Suvero, Orion
George Rickey, Four Lines in a T

Mark Di Suvero, Blubber
Milenium Sculpture- Artist not listed
actual lines- physical lines in an art piece.

Mark Di Suvero, L'Allume
Olafur Elliason- Umschreibung
Robert Adams - 'Chevron Form', 1967, bronzed steel, unique, 187 cm high
Dial of Clock in Wells Cathedral
implied lines- A line created by movement or direction.
Vassilakis Takis, Ohne Titel (Yellow Telesculpture)
Kumi yamashita- Shadow illusion using a light form and metal numbers
Andy Goldsworthy- Untitled
David Alfaro- Siqueiros
Philippe Faraut- Sumo
George Rickey - Two Lines Oblique
Sol Lewitt - Four-Sided Pyramid

James Gillespie, Sight Line
George Rickey, Three Columns
space- The boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction.

Gail Smpson and Aristotle Georgides, Trogan Piggy Bank
Doris Kisskalt- The FlexiTube
Roosegaarde- Liquid Space 2.1
John Kearney- Untitled
Presence and Absence in Space- Whether an object is in a space (presence) or not in a space (absence)
Keith Haring, The Boxers

Henry Moore, Forma Squadrata
Leon Underwood - 'Weightless Rhythm', 1969, bronze, 1/7, signed, 51 cm high

Sol LeWitt, One-Two-One with Two-Half-Off

Sol LeWitt, 49 Three-part variations on Three different Kinds of cubes

Sol LeWitt, Five Modular Structures

Sol LeWitt, Five Towers
Robert Adams - 'Brown Shell', 1980, bronze, ed.6, 21 cm high

Moto Ohtake, Stellar Motion

Alexander Calder, Gallows and Lollipops
Interactive, kinetic sculpture "Blame"
Robot Sculpture
Henry Loustau- Working Bank
proximity- nearness in space or the state of being near sb/sth in distance.

Jean Tinguely, Fragment from Homage to New York

Jean Tinguely, Narva
Interactive, kinetic sculpture "Blame"
San Diego Local- Sandlot
closure- a narrowing of a gap.

Jesus Rafael Soto, Nylon Cube
Jason DeCaires Taylor
Haroshi- Apple
Closure- Donald Foxley